
If you´re looking for the outstanding, you Need to look at CS Royal…

Each one of our horses represents a famous and sought-after bloodline, such as Boones Little Buckeroo, Rowdy, Hemlock Brooks Egyptian King, Flying W Farms Little Blue Boy, Sids Rebel, Sierra Dawn Unos Monarch, Champion Farms Nighthawk, Flying W Farms Blue Boys Magic Man or Gold Melody Boy – to Name but a few.

CS Royal Miniature Horses is a small and highly selective farm. We breed the Arabian type of American Miniature Horses with Special emphasis on utmost refinement and Beauty, correct comformation, great movement, outstanding Pedigrees and a gentle nature. All of our horses are AMHA registered, with some of them being double-registered AMHA/AMHR, and many horses in our breeding stock are highly decorated retired Show Champions.

We have Chosen our horses among the best we could find all over North America and imported them to Bavaria to be the kings and Queens of CS Royal Miniature Horses.

On our Webseite, you’ll find a lot of Information not only about each of our horses, but also about American Miniature Horses in General. We have an extensive >>Frequently Asked Questions<< section in wich we have tried to provide an answer to frequent and important questions about American Miniature Horses. Are you wondering how our Miniature Horses live? Then have a look around our facilities on our >>Farm Tour<<. Also be sure to check our >>News-Page<< regulary for updates on what is going on at CS Royal!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don´t hesitate to contact us.

Enjoy your web-visit at CS Royal Miniature Horses!